I love making goals, and even more than that, completing goals! I’ve been working through Lara Casey’s goal-setting steps over the past couple of weeks and it’s been extremely helpful. I’ve been evaluating my photography, ministry, our family, time, and much, much more. More than ever, I’ve been asking WHY about each of my goals it’s helped me gain a much clearer perspective. I’ve been so inspired by Nancy Ray’s blog series about goals as well. Like she says, we all need the accountability of writing them down.

Photo from my 2013 Making Things Happen Board
So, here we go…
2013 Goals:
- Spend time daily in prayer and Bible reading.
- Develop a consistent morning routine.
- Expand my photography business (I have many specific measures for this).
- Host people in our home for meals 2x per month (and possibly a long-term resident).
- Learn to shoot film and be confident with my new (to me) Rolleiflex camera.
- Record 1,000 gifts of thankfulness.
- Explore new ministry opportunities.
- Walk Bear daily.
- Maintain our monthly budget and cash system.
- Finish Dave Ramsey Baby Steps 2, 3, and 4 (3 is part of our house that we are treating as debt).
- Run/jog or work out 3-4 times per week.
- Transition our family to more whole foods and less processed foods.
- Run in three 5K races, one with a personal best time.
- Plant a successful garden (better than last year).
- Read 12 books.
January Goals:
- Wake up at 6am everyday.
- Make a schedule of my ideal morning routing with my current work schedule.
- Attend a local photography workshop.
- Take my Rolleiflex to get serviced, and attend a “film walk” with local photographers.
- Prep for Adrienne’s arrival to stay with us (clean out guest room and closet, declutter).
- Paint and reorganize built-in bookcases in the office and blog about my door project.
- Read Guerrilla Marketing (for me) and Sticky Church (for work).
- Celebrate my neice’s 2nd birthday!
- Plan/schedule a weekend getaway with Nic sometime this Spring.
- Research early Spring plants for garden.