Whew! It has been a crazy few months at the Teasley home… and by crazy I mean “not-able-to-do-much-of-anything crazy tired” and still on the go! In case you haven’t heard, back in May we made our big announcement that we are expecting Baby Teasley in November! We are so excited, but that’s much of why […]

Back on the Radar + June Goals

June 10, 2013

Earlier this Spring, I had the great privilege of putting together a styled wedding shoot with Melissa of Vintage Florals! We are excited to share the images from our shoot (and her absolutely beautiful florals) next week. In the mean time, here’s a tiny sneak peek at the shoot! Leave a comment and let us […]

Styled Shoot | Sneak Peek

June 1, 2013

Earlier this Spring, I had the great privilege of putting together a styled wedding shoot with Melissa of Vintage Florals! We are excited to share the images from our shoot (and her absolutely beautiful florals) next week. In the mean time, here’s a tiny sneak peek at the shoot! Leave a comment and let us […]

Styled Shoot | Sneak Peek

June 1, 2013

I honestly don’t know where to begin writing this post. I’ve had my eye on this conference since I first read about it on Nancy Ray’s blog, but as a Getting Things Done alum, I figured it was pretty much the same thing! 🙂 Boy was I wrong. I am so excited that I took the plunge and […]

Reflections on Making Things Happen

April 4, 2013

Wow! I can’t believe it’s already April! This year has flown by… but it’s time to set some new goals and keep making progress on others! Here are my April goals: FINISH the books I’m currently reading. Paint built-ins & Nic’s bedside table. Stop putting this off! Clear the clutter on facebook, twitter, and instagram. […]

April Goals | 2013

April 3, 2013

Wow! I can’t believe it’s already April! This year has flown by… but it’s time to set some new goals and keep making progress on others! Here are my April goals: FINISH the books I’m currently reading. Paint built-ins & Nic’s bedside table. Stop putting this off! Clear the clutter on facebook, twitter, and instagram. […]

April Goals | 2013

April 3, 2013

Thanks to all who entered our little contest! We appreciate all the comment love and sharing on Facebook and Pinterest. To say thanks, we have a special treat for each of you! But first… CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNER… comment #23, Kristen P.  ***TO SHOW OUR APPRECIATION FOR EACH OF YOU WHO COMMENTED BUT DID NOT WIN, CONTACT US FOR A $50 […]

And the winner is…

March 3, 2013

Happy March! I can’t believe two whole months have passed in 2013. Time to set some goals for this upcoming month… Let’s start by looking at my February Goals – what got accomplished, and what didn’t!

March Goals

March 1, 2013

Welcome to the new site! I just love it. Don’t you? I’m so excited to have some new colors and style that fit my personality and the Teasley Photography brand! Go ahead and take a look around… I love what Tasha did with all of it, and am especially in love with the logo and […]

New Site + Giveaway

February 25, 2013

Ok, so not quite yet, but soon (next month) I’ll be heading out to Raleigh, North Carolina for the 2013 Making Things Happen Conference. They ladies that lead this conference are full of inspiration and have helped me SO MUCH already in goal setting, taking time to do what I love, and making what matters […]

Gone to Carolina: Making Things Happen 2013

February 8, 2013