Photo Credit: Caitlin Sullivan
I honestly don’t know where to begin writing this post. I’ve had my eye on this conference since I first read about it on Nancy Ray’s blog, but as a Getting Things Done alum, I figured it was pretty much the same thing! 🙂 Boy was I wrong. I am so excited that I took the plunge and decided to attend. I am overwhelmed by how much I learned about myself and my business, and what really is most important in my life. Lara Casey, Emily Ley, and Gina Zeidler (and friends) did such a fabulous job helping us take life and business to the next level. Here are some of my biggest takeaways!
1. Relationships. I can’t stress enough that this journey is not meant to be walked alone. MTH is all about accountability, people cheering you on, and being an encouragement to others along the way. My incredible roommate, Victoria, is a great example of this! We had some quality chats each day on our long drive to and from the Carolina Inn. I am so thankful that the Lord allowed our paths to cross at just the right time through mutual friends. I know I can count on her honesty, accountability, and encouragement, even from deep in the heart of Texas! Along the way I also met some super fun local friends, like Chandra. I look forward to hanging out and getting recharged from great conversations with people like her (who has an awesome website for teachers, by the way!)
2. Core. For the longest time, I wondered what that even meant. Core. It’s such a weird word and so hard to quantify for a logical thinker like myself. Yet, I learned so much about my core at MTH. I was reminded of what really fires me up. I am so passionate about my faith, about family, about marriage, about real relationships with people, and those are the things that will drive my life and my business. Why would I base by business on anything else except my CORE?
3. Do what you can with what you have. I remember my ears perking up as I heard two of the guest speakers share about their experience working a day job and running a successful creative business on the side. This may be silly to some, but it was such an encouragement to me. I loved their honesty, their perspective on life and work, and was encouraged to not try to compare myself to others or to be anything other than what I am. I was encouraged and empowered to do what I can with what I have.
4. Distractions. Y’all. Social media is such a distraction. We need to have a long talk if you say it is not. At MTH, something so powerful happens when they literally take your phone away for the entire day. No laptops, no internet, no technology. No instagram or facebook checks. No text conversations… only face to face interactions. One of my goals after leaving MTH was to plug my phone in the bathroom when I go to bed, and no longer keep it right beside me. I haven’t been perfect, but it’s so freeing! I’ve also done a social-media-free weekend, and encourage you to try it. It’ll make you realize how much of a distraction your phone can be. Remember, REAL LIFE is better than facebook!
5. Profitability. I learned so much about branding on Day 2 of MTH and still have tons and tons of hard work to do on my brand. However, one of the things I want to remember most is that profitability is not just measured in dollars. It’s measured in life. I may not make the most money, but it’s so worth it if I’m living the life I want to live, having quality conversations with Nic, taking time to walk around the block and work in my garden! It’s about investing in other people, not just making monetary investments. I want to leave a legacy!